Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Little About Me

My name is Caryn and I'm 19 years old, from Cedar Hills, UT. (A whole 25 minutes away!) I love to do things (anything) outside like hiking, running, river rafting, playing soccer, basketball, and frisbee, etc.  I was on Track, Cross Country, and the Lacrosse team in High School and I'm running my third marathon in SLC on April 21st.  I think the coolest thing about me (which really isn't that cool) is that I can quote movies really well, especially Disney movies.  My favorites are Hercules, Aladdin, Mulan, and Emperor's New Groove.  Pretty sure I can quote all of Emperor's New Groove from memory...I've done it once.  I have 6 siblings, 3 older sisters, 2 older brothers, and a little sister.  I also love to play music and I'm majoring in viola performance.

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