Tuesday, February 7, 2012

3 Speeding Ticket Letters

Guess what stinks??  I got my liscence revoked yesterday because I got pulled over.  Again!  I was only going 5 over but I still got the ticket.  Hey, even the police go 5 over all the time!   I think the officer was bored or something.  I was even on my way to my little sister's recital!  But anyway, because it was my fourth one I can't drive anymore until I go to court.  (Hopefully the judge will let me off.)  So, sorry but I won't be able to drive the carpool anymore until I get this fixed.  Let me know if you have any ideas of what I can do!

Dear Mom,
How are things for you?  How's teaching going?  Guess what?  I got an A on my history test!  I was really happy about that because I failed the last one.  So school and work have been going pretty good overall this semester.  The only bad thing is I got pulled over for speeding yesterday. But I really don't think it's anything to worry about since I was only going 5 over the limit.  I'm pretty sure I'll be able to talk to the judge and get it off.  Well, I'll talk to you later and I'll see you for dinner on Sunday!

Dear Judge Grant Mercy,
Yesterday I was pulled over for speeding on the road by Lone Peak High School.  I was on my way to volunteer at an elementary school and I guess I didn't realize in time that I was going 5 mph over the speed limit.  I know this is no excuse for speeding and that in every way I deserve a ticket, but I really would appreciate it if you would consider writing it off.  Because this is my fourth speeding ticket, my driver's license will be revoked, which will not allow me to keep my job or to continue my weekly volunteer hours.    I would love to be able to continue to do these things and serve as a law-abiding citizen of this town, so if you could possibly excuse my ticket, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely yours,
Caryn Jackson


  1. These are the best letters I've read so far. I totally pulled the good grades card on the letter to my mom too. I loved the name for your judge and that letter was way good. Nice job with the community service thing. That was a good appeal to logos.

  2. I really enjoyed your letters! You can clearly see how the tone changes with each letter. Nice job!

  3. Ha I did the same thing with my letter to my mom. I first told her about my good grades and then casually mentioned my speeding tickets. Good job!

  4. Nice letters. I liked how you explained to your mom first about your grades before the bad news! good softener! also liked how you didn't give a excuse to the Judge, Instead, you just said you were wrong and needed it back for good reasons. I think a Judge would be more reasonable that way instead of hearing excuses which i bet they get all the time.

  5. I love what you said to your mom. Nice job countering the bad news with the A on your test! I feel like you were slightly sucking up to the judge but I guess that is what you are supposed to do. Ha

  6. Nice way to skim over the issue with your mom (hey, I got an A, and oh bytheway I got a ticket...but no big deal). Typical teenager. :) I especially like the Dear Judge Grant Mercy line.

  7. Yeah I really liked how you barely mention your speeding ticket to your mom. I agree with Will too about the Dear Judge Grant Mercy line. Haha good job.
