Wednesday, February 29, 2012

20 Topics

1. negative impact of social media on academic performance
2. effects of a dirty apartment
3. sports vs. academics in society
4. running/exercise
5. dating (or lack of it:)
6. impact of how much sleep we get
7. diet/eating
8. negative impact of video games
9. age that people get married
10. pop music vs. classical music
11. whether money brings happiness or not
12. required religion classes at BYU
13. people trying to be "perfect" 
14. does America have an obligation to help other countries?
15. obesity in America
16. violence in movies/media 
17. going "green"
18. negative news in newspapers
19. family and society's view of it
20. crazy things people do

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

3 Things from Peer Review and Favorite Movies

1. Remember to be clear on how the author's rhetorical tools affect the specific audience
2. Don't switch awkwardly between 1st and 3rd person in some parts
3. Include audience reaction in concluding paragraph

Favorite Movies

  • The Court Jester
  • Sherlock Holmes (Both of them)
  • Mulan
  • What's Up Doc
  • Emperor's New Groove 
  • Princess Bride
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Aladdin

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tarzan Loves Jane (J.R.R. Tolkien style)

My Dearest Jane,
I felt when I first met you some that though our lives are hopelessly separated by distance, language, custom, and habits of personal hygiene, I instantly felt a sort of connection to you, as though we could be the same species.  Then a feeling of love came over me of such extraordinary energy and passion that I knew I must attempt to convey these feelings in a letter to you.  There was much excitement in my village when I told my hominoidean friends of this task and everyone has urged me to continue in my quest. Unfortunately, I have not yet acquired a sufficient English vocabulary--beyond gruntingly repeating everything I hear--that would facilitate the writing of such a letter.  Luckily I have recently met a kind, elderly gentleman who possesses an extraordinary facility with the English language who has agreed to translate my feelings to you in such a way as would impress and delight you.  Please read the following poem I have written for you and know that the words are not adequate to express the feelings of love that I have for you.

Yours Forever,

No happiness I fear is found
Among these trees of green
Twixt flowing brook and twink'ling stars
I can't but shudder at the scene

I find no joy in climbing trees
The sun, it brings no light
I walk upon the mossy ground
And start to cry out at the sight

The world is gray, no birds sing out
And happiness is vain
For I have found I miss you so,
My love, my joy, my Jane

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Some sweet similes

1. When she looked at him she got a funny feeling in her stomach, like when you eat the leftover beef stroganoff that's been in the fridge for a month.

2.  Trying to talk to her, he was as speechless as if he had just been asked how to spell "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis".  

3.  Their love for each other was as strong as a the odor from a garbage truck carrying 500 pounds of rotting Epoisses stuffed with curry and 10 years' worth of old gym shorts.

4.  When they held hands for the first time, it was as exciting as being thrown into a giant pit of hungry scorpions.

5.  When he asked her to marry him, she was as excited as she had been when she found a parking space at BYU.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

3 Speeding Ticket Letters

Guess what stinks??  I got my liscence revoked yesterday because I got pulled over.  Again!  I was only going 5 over but I still got the ticket.  Hey, even the police go 5 over all the time!   I think the officer was bored or something.  I was even on my way to my little sister's recital!  But anyway, because it was my fourth one I can't drive anymore until I go to court.  (Hopefully the judge will let me off.)  So, sorry but I won't be able to drive the carpool anymore until I get this fixed.  Let me know if you have any ideas of what I can do!

Dear Mom,
How are things for you?  How's teaching going?  Guess what?  I got an A on my history test!  I was really happy about that because I failed the last one.  So school and work have been going pretty good overall this semester.  The only bad thing is I got pulled over for speeding yesterday. But I really don't think it's anything to worry about since I was only going 5 over the limit.  I'm pretty sure I'll be able to talk to the judge and get it off.  Well, I'll talk to you later and I'll see you for dinner on Sunday!

Dear Judge Grant Mercy,
Yesterday I was pulled over for speeding on the road by Lone Peak High School.  I was on my way to volunteer at an elementary school and I guess I didn't realize in time that I was going 5 mph over the speed limit.  I know this is no excuse for speeding and that in every way I deserve a ticket, but I really would appreciate it if you would consider writing it off.  Because this is my fourth speeding ticket, my driver's license will be revoked, which will not allow me to keep my job or to continue my weekly volunteer hours.    I would love to be able to continue to do these things and serve as a law-abiding citizen of this town, so if you could possibly excuse my ticket, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely yours,
Caryn Jackson

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Found Poem

Fisher of Men

There is a Legend of a Man
Who lives beneath the Sea

He is a Fisher of Men

The Last Hope
Of all those
Who have been
Left behind

Many Survivors
Claim to have felt

His gripping hands
Beneath them
Pushing them
Up to the Surface

Whispering Strength until
Hope could arrive

But this

Of course

Is only a Legend

From “The Guardian” (2006)