Thursday, March 22, 2012

Patchwriting and Issues Paper Struggles

Paraphrase: Many times people disregard myths and don't realize that they offer valuable insights into the study of history.

I think the hardest thing (well a couple hard things) for me with the issues paper was using my own ideas and not just filling the paper with quotes from the sources.  Another hard thing was coming up with a good solution to the problem I was addressing.  Oh, and the whole procrastination thing:) But I've resolved to be better at not doing that anymore! Sleep is a good thing I've realized.


  1. Yes, sleep is a GREAT thing. :) Yeah, it's tough trying to argue your point and not just fill the paper with quotes (that's why its so critical that you have a topic that you're passionate about, otherwise I can't imagine trying to argue for something I find boring for 8-10 pages). And yeah, it's hard finding a solution (especially when you have a topic like mine, where there isn't really a 'best' solution, and so you have to pick between the lesser of two evils).

  2. I have the same problem. Well, porblemS haha. But when it comes to making sure your voice is in it, I try to remember that this in like an opinion editorial with a lot of sources, that helps me stay in the mindset of making sure I get my ideas across.

  3. Haha! Ya don't get one hour of sleep Miss Caryn :) Also, you can expand upon their points without quoting them directly. I read your paper and I thought you did a good job :)

  4. Sleep isn't a good thing, silly. It's the best thing! Sometimes, procrastination just causes contention in everyone's relationship with that beautiful thing.

  5. I did well all on the other papers with the whole procrastinating thing, but with this paper I have been doing a lot of procrastinating. If we didn't have all the due dates for the drafts and what not I would definitely be in trouble right now.
